Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Shanghai's historic temple on the move


Future visitors to Shanghai's famous Jade Buddha might wonder why its main hall wasn't where they left it last time they visited. That's because Shanghai is relocating it 30 meters north and a meter higher to make way for more visitors -- a process we hope they don't try applying to the Great Wall or Forbidden City. Preparations for the move began this past Saturday.

Part of a renovation campaign that began in 2014, the Mahavira Hall's relocation will be completed in about two weeks. How are they going about such a feat? Engineers have already excavated the building and elevated it onto tracks, which they plan to side it along like a senior citizen on a stairlift.
Afterwards it will be placed on a new foundation. Keeping the artifacts intact during the move will be the trickiest part. Here's hoping none of the Buddha statues get dropped like a bad 'habit.'

According to Master Jue Xing, abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple and vice president of the Buddhist Association of China, "moving the hall will create more space between buildings and reduce the risks of a stampede as the temple is usually tightly packed."

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