Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Newly discovered Roman tomb made of monolithic stone plates


Newly discovered Roman tomb made of monolithic stone plates decorated with beautiful reliefs, located in Guberevac village on Kosmaj mountain in central Serbia. Discovery was made few days ago during the excavations of ancient Roman silver, iron and lead mines from 2nd and 3rd century AD. 

All over the Guberevac and Kosmaj mountain there are scattered remains of Roman mining shafts and traces of metalurgy from Roman times. 

Near newly discovered tomb there are several mining shafts and remains of large Roman fortress built for cohort of Roman soldiers which hasn’t been explored yet.

Ancient Roman town Deumesus, administrative center of the area known for silver mining, could be located somewhere near, but it hasn’t beed discovered yet. 

These mines on Kosmaj mountain were among the most important silver mines in Roman empire during the 2nd and 3rd century AD. Intensive Roman mining has lead to the intensive population of the nearby area, where so far archaeologists have discovered remains of many towns, villae and necropolises. And many more are still waiting to be discovered.
Hoping that archaeologists from National Museum of Serbia will make great discoveries in Guberevac this summer

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