Sunday, July 29, 2018

Kulan ancient settlement: 15 centuries of history


Today's Kulan village located 100 km eastwards Taraz city is an ordinary rural settlement of South Kazakhstan. 
However, many centuries ago it was not just a large terminal point along the Great Silk Road but also headquarters  of rulers of occidental Turks. "The biggest palace in Central Asuia is also located there," Anna Krokosheva, representative of Monuments of Ancient Taraz museum, said.

The ancient settlement was more than 10,000 sq m in size. The palace situated in the centre stretching up to 3,000 sq m astonished by grandeur of  architecture of the epoch of Turkic kaganates and skills of stonecutters who decorated the city buildings with arabesque and floral ornaments.
According to her, archeological excavations were started there in 30s of the 20 century. The ancient city was discovered 1.5 km away from the modern district centre. In 1958 the Taraz expedition unearthed the site where stony statues dated to VII-VIII centuries were made. The Soviet archeologists working there in the 60s of the 20 century discovered there a countryside residence of the ruler, country estates of rich townspeople and a grapery. The current finds unearthed there dates the city back to the VI century. Interesting artifacts were found there, such as ceramics, coins, jewelries, bronze kettle, khums for storing wheat and wine, trade tools, a hand mill, etc. The walls of the ancient settlement decorated with patterns are being unearthed from year to year.

The unique artifacts of Kulan, reconstruction of the medieval palace of the Turkic rulers is of great importance not only as science facts but also as one of the most interesting torist sites along the Great Silk Road places of interest situated in Zhambyl region. Kulan ancient settlement was added to the UNESCO list of world heritage along with Kayalyk, Karamergen, Talgar, Aktobe, Akyrtas, Steninskoye, Kostobe and Ornek ancient towns.

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