Sunday, September 2, 2018

10,000 year-old spear found on historic Co Down hillside


A tiny spear dropped by a prehistoric "hunter gatherer" 10,000 years ago is the latest dramatic discovery on a famous Co Down hillside.

The needle, still sharp despite its Stone Age roots, has stunned archaeologists at an excavation dig in Downpatrick that is now expected to make its own history because of "significant findings".

The Queen’s University team has confirmed the "microlith" is “the earliest evidence” for people living in the historic area.
The tiny 10,000 year-old spear

This follows the recent sensational discovery of 12 medieval skeletons in the same grounds of Down Cathedral - within meters of St Patrick’s grave.

The tourist site has been a magnet for visitors over the summer as word has travelled about the historic treasure trove.

Dozens of artefacts, including 1,500 year-old glazed pottery, metalwork, oyster shells and a tiny ceramic shoe, have also been uncovered in the buried ruins of an ancient Benedictine monastery.

Excavation director Brian Sloan said they were stunned by their most recent discovery despite the long history associated with the site.

He said: “We know Cathedral Hill has substantial prehistoric remains waiting to be found but we didn't really expect something so early.

“All of this material will revolutionise our understanding of life in Downpatrick from the time of St Patrick onwards.

“The Mesolithic flint tool dates back to about 8000 BC, which represents the earliest evidence for people living here in Downpatrick 10,000 years ago."

Cathedral Dean Rev Henry Hull described the discovery of the flint as "quite remarkable".

In a further nod to the site's history, a replica of an ancient High Cross which would have been the original marking of St Patrick's grave, was erected during a ceremony today (Friday).

Three fragments of the original cross have been put on display in the entrance porch of the cathedral.

A Newry, Mourne and Down Council spokesman confirmed “significant findings” had been made during the excavation project, which is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Council chairman Mark Murnin said: “The unexpected discoveries have become a massive tourist attraction for the area with hundreds of visitors everyday from as far as USA, Australia, and Japan. The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Karen Bradley MP even made time in her diary to stop by the dig.

“The discoveries from this excavation have inspired the interest and imagination of many.”

Queen’s University Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork will deliver a post-excavation lecture at Down Museum, Downpatrick, on Thursday, November 15.

Match-funding for the project was provided by the Northern Ireland Executive Office and the Department for Rural and Community Development in Ireland.

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